I've been playing layout designer this week. It's high time I actually scrapbook my wedding photos. So I went surfing my digital wedding pictures, trying to find something that strikes a cord, moves me to scrapbook a moment. Only thing is, the quality of the pictures distracts me. Most of my wedding pictures were taken on a Kodak 3.1 MP camera. Very disappointing. We didn't pay for a photographer to take our photos. There were lots of friends and family with cameras that would send up pictures. I had thought up until then, that the posed photos were just that. Posed. Fake. Boy was I wrong. Candid shots have their place, and I do love them, but the problem lies in the fact that most people don't take very good candid shots. Because they have taken them haphazardly, and not thought about the shot. So you might end up with lights over your head that look like alien spaceships are ready to decend upon your wedding. Or you may have lipstick smeared on your face by that warm kiss from Aunt Nelly. The situation is not hopeless for me. Thank goodness I have something that allows me to edit and blur out backgrounds, alien spaceships and lipstick smudges.
All the same, this weekend, looking through the photos, I determined to get to know my 8.1 MP camera better and save up for next year's anniversary gift (which I'm getting whether hubby knows or not) is a DSLR. Which one, I don't know. But I know that along with the camera and basic lens, I will be enrolling for a basic photography course. Scrapbooking after all, revolves around your photos, your memories. So I want those photos to be crisp, and clear, because these days, my memory certainly isn't. Ha!
So on the last day of my 30s, I decided to complete a scrapbooking challenge to try and get me out of my "oh lord, now I will need yearly eye exams and the dreaded mamograms!" funk. So I got out my camera, and shot myself in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Let me rephrase that. I took a photo of myself in the bathroom in front of the mirror. Here's the result:

I think it's not all that bad a photo, considering my mood at the time. And it was a good challenge to do. I don't think I've ever done a "me" layout. So thanks for the challenge Nicole! Incidentally, this is Paper Garden by Sugarplum Paperie and Franziska Altmann. Gorgeous kit. Simply beautiful.
Now, where are some of my reception pics....off to scrap some more.