What are your Christmas stories? What is involved? Ski Trips? Sledding? Meeting with loved ones? Light up nights? Putting up the tree together? Do you celebrate Hanukkah? What do you love about this time of year? Write it all down. I challenge you to write down memories from the seasons past. I challenge you to write down memories from the present. If you want you could visualize Christmas or Hanukkah future! Write them down, take an entire page. Do a photo collage, or a journaling collage.
What is a journalling collage you ask? It is a page where you just start by writing. You can add in drawings, doodles, photos, altered pics from a magazine, but it all begins with writing your story. You can type it out on the computer and add elements and photos to it. You can turn it into a story book. Do something different. Step outside your computer screen and create your unique story!
Try using colors that you normally wouldn't for the holiday season. Bohemian Solids (from the Bohemian Blush kit from Recherché by KH Designs is a great set of paper for a funky Christmas theme.

Bright Skies Ahead is another that would set lots of blues for the holiday.

Kiki's Bubblegum Classic would work for Christmas or the New Year for a black and white look with a touch of pink!

Of course Kiki's Snowpunched Up is a wonderful Christmas/Winter scrapkit to play with too!

So think outside the computer box and write your stories!!! Your children and grandchildren will thank you.
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